Why we’re better together with Nadini

October 31, 2022
FCB Workplace Law

Not too long after deciding it was time for a change from her last role, Nadini Abeynayake started with FCB in 2021 as an Office Manager and Personal Assistant based in our Melbourne office. And with a job market that’s nothing but hot since the mid-pandemic, scooping up quality talent has been challenging for so many businesses. So, what attracted Nadini to FCB and sealed the deal? It was all down to FCB’s values, culture, and people.

Nadini’s extensive experience in legal secretarial work and wealth of knowledge working in the law sector has given her an impressive set of skills that are in part what makes her a standout employee. Working in companies from Dubai to Australia has given her extraordinary corporate know-how to make being an office manager and personal assistant to two of our workplace law experts look like a walk in the park.

Dive in and meet Nadini, learn about her role, and how her job has helped her achieve a work-life balance that not only pushes her career forward but also ensures she has all the time in the world for the things she loves.

Your official title is Office Manager and Personal Assistant, but what does your role entail?

On a normal day, I can handle anything from court document preparation and matter openings to overseeing invoicing and communicating with clients. Balancing the needs of lawyers and their clients can be difficult but with help of an incredible support team, it’s a much easier task. While I’m paid to undertake all my responsibilities and duties, it doesn’t feel like work when you’ve got great team leaders and a team culture that’s just so positive.

Why did you choose us?

The workplace values that FCB have adopted aren’t just words on walls, they’re taken seriously from the top down, and for me, they were the difference between accepting or rejecting the role. I’ve found that the team culture isn’t just talk; it’s present from team leaders right down to the office atmosphere.

What’s the first thing you do when you start your workday?

Is it weird that I have a favourite pen? Well, I do, and I can’t start the day without it. I’m always writing lists to help me figure out my day and give me a way to ensure I don’t miss a task and feel a sense of accomplishment every time I cross something off. Being organised is something I lean very heavily on especially at work, and kids do make it a bit harder, but when the mess creeps in, it doesn’t worry me as much anymore.

How do you break up your workday?

I love to talk; I can hold a conversation with just about anyone, and with a large part of my role involving communication, I often find ways to learn something new about someone in each interaction I have whether it’s on the phone, in person, or online.

Work-life balance is something we all aim for; how do you find the sweet spot?

Between studying for my criminology degree at La Trobe University and my job, it has been hard to find the sweet spot in terms of work-life balance but the flexibility that FCB provides has made it that much easier to find. It requires a lot of effort, but between childcare and the support from my workplace, I make the conscious decision to ensure work is done in the hours it’s meant to be and prioritise family time.

How do you unwind from work?

I love reading. I’m always reading something whether it’s a novel, a children’s book, or a post on Facebook. Family time is just as important as reading to me, and I’m always making time for a phone call with my sister or just sitting and taking in my family after work. My outgoing personality would have you think that I’m ready to take on any adventures that come my way, but I much prefer family gatherings and sticking to a regular bedtime!

What’s the strangest thing you’ve had to deal with in your role?

Being an office manager and personal assistant entails a lot of extra responsibilities but by the far, the strangest thing I’ve had to do is learn to cater for events with an office that has a long list of dietary requirements.

And finally, what is your most overused word or phrase currently?

At the moment it’s ‘no’ – and with two kids there are no plans to stop using this one anytime soon.


As our business grows, we’re always looking for skilled and talented people from all walks of life to work in our values-driven business. If you’re interested in joining FCB, you can see what roles are available here or contact our internal recruitment manager at kxh@fcbgroup.com.au or 02 9922 5188 for more information.